PROPOSALS for holiday lodges at a golf course are set to be thrown out due to concerns about protecting green belt land and the impact on neighbouring homes.

Bosses at Noak Hill Golf Course, in Billericay, have submitted plans for seven lodges for holiday accomodation at the course.

The lodges would be in use for 11 months of the year.

The plans would also see a new outdoor covered terraced area, two spa treatment rooms and new parking areas for golfing buggies.

Basildon Council is due to refuse the plans next week due to concerns over the appearance, impact on residents and destroying part of the green belt.

Kevin Blake, Tory councillor for Burstead welcomed the suggested protection of the green space and residents.

He said: “I know the nearby homes have issues with flooding and so it’s good to see they could be protected from other issues too.

“I know in the past development has made things worse so it’s good to see they are being put first.

“I am against green belt development but do think it’s different for a sports or play area or something like that but I don’t agree with accommodation like this.”

Council planning officers raise concerns over “significant detrimental” impact of the plans for the site and a lack of evidence to show flooding will not be made worse.

In the report, a planning officer said: “The application represents an inappropriate form of development within the green belt that would have a significant impact upon its openness.

“There are no ‘very special circumstances’ that outweigh the harm identified by the proposal.

“The siting, scale, bulk, appearance and layout of the proposed lodges and alterations to the clubhouse is considered acceptable and would not have a significant detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area or on nearby residents.

“The application submission lacks an ecology assessment and drainage information to adequately determine ecological and surface water flooding impacts arising from the proposed development.”

The council will consider the plans on Wednesday. The club was contacted for comment.