RESTAURANT bosses are battling piles of rotting chicken and rubbish outside their businesses, with hoards of rats scurrying around the street.

Daniel Burzotta, the owner of Il Pescatore, in Queens Road, fears his customers will stop visiting and has been urging Southend Council to help clear the mess.

Pictures show piles of rubbish and overflowing bins, including raw chicken, in an alleyway close to a number of businesses on the street.

Following a request for comment by the Echo yesterday, Southend Council says the waste has now been cleared but Mr Burzotta claims he has been asking for help for weeks.

Council bosses say businesses are responsible for arranging their own regular commercial waste collection and the correct storage of waste but they agreeded to clear it.

Mr Burzotta, 35, said: “I live and work near the mess and state of the alleyway.


“It’s where various businesses keep their rubbish and the amount spilling over and being left is a growing issue which is getting worse all the time.

“The council is not doing enough to deal with the issue and I’ve tried to speak with them about it too.

“There’s lots of chicken just left for about five days now and lots of other waste and rubbish too.”

He said there’s an awful smell and customers and staff notice it. He also says the alleyway is “infested” with rats.

He added: “Other business are just as angry as we are because of the impact. The smell is terrible and it really feels like there’s no end in sight.”

Other businesses have raised concerns of the issue.

One restaurant worker, who asked not to be named, said: “There are so many rats and the smell is terrible sometimes you can smell it from inside the businesses.

“I don’t see why we should be putting up with this mess and it also affects our business and is a real health hazard too.”

Martin Terry, councillor for public protection, said: “The bins in the alleyway are used by adjacent businesses in the area and are serviced by each business’s individual waste contractor.

“In spite of this, Veolia, the council’s household waste contractor, has visited the site and cleared the rubbish today.

“Officers have also visited businesses in the area to remind them of their legal duty of care in regards to commercial rubbish disposal.

“The council works closely with the business community to ensure their waste is managed and stored in line with their waste duty of care responsibilities.”