IT’S a “matter of when, not if ” a third road will be built off Canvey, after major gridlock caused chaos for drivers.

Andrew Sheldon, Tory leader of Castle Point Council, is confident that a new road will be built after setting up a task force to make the long-awaited third road a reality.

It follows drivers facing hours of traffic on Monday night due to temporary traffic lights and crashes, with some residents ditching their cars on Canvey Way and walking home.

Mr Sheldon said: “Our group will hold the first meeting on March 18 and we need to get it set in stone now and everyone must work together on it.

“It’s not a question of if but a matter of when now.

"I know we have evidence to show it’s necessary and it’s been going on a long time now too.

“I think it’s best to have it from Northwick Road over to Coryton and would help with the ports in Thurrock and access to and Canvey for these too.

“It would also help with the Oikos Canvey chemical site too.”


Families say the ongoing issues with disruption are getting much worse and fear the situation could worsen further as more homes are built on the island.

Posting on the Echo’s Facebook page, Rebecca Lothian said: “It’s always been a problem and it always will be unless they build a new road.“I lost so many jobs as nobody in the city could believe my delays most mornings in the Nineties. Moving off was the best thing we did but visit regularly to see family and friends.”

Theresa Marchant added: “This is standard for Canvey. It’s normal if there is an accident on the A13, it affects the whole island.

“It’s always been the same and I’ve lived here 24 years. Even back then they promised to open the third road.

“Give it another 24 years and the island will probably sink with all the weight of new housing.”

Paul Atradis said: “This is why they need another road to Canvey or widen the way . It’s what put us off moving there, One accident and it all comes to a stop.”