A 7ft tall violent thug “used his teeth as a weapon” to bite the ear of a man collecting a food parcel from a homeless organisation.

Tjeno Jorgensen, 42, left the victim covered in blood in the car park off Clarence Street, Southend, in September 2020.

He repeatedly beat the man following long-standing ill feeling between the two. He bit his ear and tore it in the incident.

Jorgensen, of Aylesborough Close, Cambridge, was found guilty at trial at Basildon Crown Court and convicted on August 27 of wounding with intent.

He was jailed for three years and six months on Friday at the same court.

It was claimed he had used a bike chain as a weapon, but the jury found him not guilty of having an offensive weapon.

A statement from the victim, read out in court, said: “I was told my ear was hanging off and I am in pain with it when I lie down.

“The pain feels like a stabbing with a needle and it’s very sensitive. I will have permanent scarring on my ear.”

Prosecuting, Steven Molley, told the court the man needed stitches in his ear after the attack.

He said: “He struck the victim several times and several others tried to separate the two men.”

Mitigating, Giles Fleming, told the court his client has serious health conditions.

He said: “He has schizophrenia and Marfan syndrome, a rare disorder that affects connective tissue of the body and it’s also the reason behind his height of seven-foot-tall and it’s why he’s still growing.

“He’s not committed any offences since 2015 and has only committed two offences but has more than 50 in total on his record.

“His rare disorder means there’s a serious risk to his heart and major arteries. He was working as a mechanic up until the start of the pandemic.”

Sentencing, Judge Andrew Hurst, told Jorgensen he needs to learn to control his temper.

He said: “The victim posed no threat to you and there were very unpleasant and vile remarks and threats made.

“The tear to his ear caused it to bleed profusely and he suffered deep lacerations to it. It was a highly unpleasant and troubling incident and you used your teeth as a weapon.”