CLIFFS Pavilion has cancelled an upcoming performance from the Russian State Ballet in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

The ballet troop had been set to perform Swan Lake on March 13, but the theatre has cancelled the show and is offering refunds to customers.

Rochford and Southend East MP James Duddridge welcomed the move, tweeting: "Pleased this decision has been taken by Southend Theatre. Representatives of the Russian state are not welcome here in Southend."

The move comes as Russian forces, facing fierce resistance, approach the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.

On February 6, the Russian State Ballet performed The Nutcracker at Cliffs Pavilion but the troupe will no longer be returning next month.

A number of Russian State Ballet shows have been cancelled across the UK and Ireland, with theatres in Northampton, Wolverhampton and Dublin axing shows.

A spokesman for Southend Theatres said: “We are shocked and appalled by the unfolding situation in Ukraine.

“Over the weekend we have been in discussion with the promoters of the Russian State Ballet tour and can confirm that the planned performances at the Cliffs Pavilion have been cancelled.

“We will be contacting ticket-holders over coming days in relation to their bookings and there is no need to contact us.

“Out thoughts remain with all those affected - and we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine in hoping for a swift return to peace in the region.”