A CHILD has missed more than half his education because a school refuses to accept he has a medical condition, according to his mother.

The Year 2 student has been left “emotionally, mentally and educationally neglected” after not being able to attend a whole school week since he joined Bournemouth Park Academy, in Bournemouth Park Road, Southend, nearly three years ago.

His mother claims staff refused to acknowledge her son has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), despite her warning them when he started at school and even though he is under the Lighthouse, a clinic which helps children with ADHD.

She said: “Since he started, the school have not taken any notice of what I and the nursery, said about his ADHD. They told me that I was paranoid, and he was a normal child that is hyperactive.

“Then within four to six weeks of him starting in reception, he was suspended before placed on modified learning plan, doing two to three hours, sometimes every day, sometimes every other day.

“The situation hasn’t changed since, he has missed out of more than half of his life’s education because he has ADHD and the school fail to help.

“He has been emotionally, mentally, and educationally neglected by that school, who have failed to support my child, who needs it.”

There was some improvement when the boy went on a “turnaround programme” at Victoria Park Academy when he was in Year 1. This is a 12-week programme to support a school in turning round a child’s education.

However, his mother said that once he returned to the school, the support immediately ended.

She said: “He went on a turnaround programme, where he had the support he needs, and within a week of returning back to the Bournemouth Academy, he was suspended again, due to their failings in supporting him.

“It is ridiculous and heartbreaking.”

A school spokesman said: “Bournemouth Park Academy is an inclusive and supportive school.

“Where parents wish to raise queries or concerns or otherwise, the Academy has appropriate systems in place.

“Due to the Covid pandemic, the last couple of years have been very challenging for parents, staff and pupils.

“I am glad the government has recently removed all restrictions to help restore normality.”

However, the mother of the six-year-old said this happened long before Covid and her son

She said: “This has been happening for nearly three years, this is an excuse to make my son only attend school when they want him too because they refuse to help.

“The school even refused to apply for an EHCP, stating ‘he is not a priority’, so I’ve done this myself and now got it for him, I am now moving him to another school, who will help give my son the education and support he deserves.”