A NEW playground for toddlers is set to be built in Southend town centre, next to the Warrior Square skatepark.

Southend Council is proposing to install slides, swings and climbing frames on part of the land once occupied by the now demolished Warrior Square swimming pool.

The council has already built a skatepark on the site and is now proposing to section off an area for two to five-year-olds to play in.

Cheryl Nevin, Labour councillor for Milton ward, said families in the community would benefit from the scheme.

She said: “This is coming from community infrastructure money. We’ve only had one small play area in Milton Gardens. We’re planning to put in a small playground with three pieces of play equipment to start with then we hope to add to it.

“It’s something residents in that area need and want and have been asking for for a number of years. We have the skatepark nearby for older kids and that’s being used extensively which is great to see.”

Ms Nevin added: “There are a lot of families in that area and there will be more when Queensway is built.

“It’s all about keeping young people healthy and occupied.”

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An application to planning officers said the playground would be designed to “encourage social, imaginative and fantasy role play”.

It adds: “The design will take into account the location and limit any potential increase in noise.

“The setting is considered to not materially impact upon the environment or local conservation area.

“The facility is situated on a former leisure centre site and the space has been used for informal recreation since the centre was demolished.”

Last year the council installed a play area on Shoebury Common which has proven hugely popular with families who flock to it each weekend.

Warriors Swim Centre closed in 2010 after the £13.5million pool at Garon Park opened. The site had been earmarked by Southend Council for new offices and homes but plans stalled.

The skatepark was built in 2019 and has proved popular but last year became a target for antisocial behaviour by gangs of youths.