SOUTHEND’S corporate logo is about to get a makeover befitting a city, with residents and businesses urged to help pick their favourite design.

Southend Council wants residents from across the community give their views on four options for how the council will present itself as a city.

Options include The Seaside Windmill, reminiscent of little hands clutching colourful pinwheels.

Next up is The Shell, an S-shaped shell designed to remind people of the beach, waves and water.

Echo: Option 1 - The Coat of ArmsOption 1 - The Coat of Arms

Then there is The Modern Coat of Arms, a take on the borough’s traditional coat of arms and crest, which focuses on the heritage of the city.

Finally, there is another “S”, this time in the form of a monogram which includes waves, the pier and its Royal Pavilion.

Echo: Option 2 - The SOption 2 - The S

Southend’s cabinet will meet next wee to discuss the options after which there will be a two-week consultation of residents and businesses.

Ian Gilbert, leader of the council, said: “The current branding we’ve had getting on for 15 to 20 years now so it’s due a refresh.

Echo: Option 3 - The WindmillOption 3 - The Windmill

“I want to get this done relatively quickly because I think we are now a city and it’s not a good look for the council if we are still using out of date branding.

“I’m very keen to try and get them in place by the summer season so while we’re holding events we’re not still using the outdated borough council branding.”

Echo: Option 4 - The ShellOption 4 - The Shell

Company Formara, which already works with the council on its designs, was chosen to create the shortlisted designs at cost of just over £4,000.

Once chosen, the new logo will appear on the council’s website, social media, letterheads, documents, uniforms, building signage and vehicles.

Mr Gilbert added: “The price Formora are charging for their work is extremely small for a full scale rebranding of a large organisation and we are going to take a pragmatic approach to changing the council branding so those things that can be changed easily, the online stuff and a few signs, will change immediately but where we’ve got signs on bins and vans we will be waiting for natural replacement rather than spending a huge amount of money changing everything in one go.”

Following the meeting on Monday, people will be able to make their choice through the council website.