TORIES have been accused of “scaremongering” after claiming plans are being drawn up for more than 7,000 homes on green belt land.

Southend Conservatives accused the Labour, Independent and Lib Dem-led council of preparing plans – designated as an option in the draft local plan – for 7,200 homes on land north Bournes Green Chase, Shoebury.

The group has been accused of “scaremongering” with other proposals also in consideration for the land – including a brand new hospital.

Tory leader, councillor Tony Cox, said: “We don’t want any building on the green belt, but specifically these 7,000 homes.


“We’re not saying homes can’t be built anywhere across the city, but some things are sacrosanct, like our green belt.”


Cllr Tony Cox

Cllr Tony Cox


A motion submitted by the Conservative group claims the council is using Government housing targets to shield itself from responsibility and criticism over large developments.

However, deputy leader of the council, Independent councillor Ron Woodley, has rubbished those claims and pledged he will work to protect the site from housing development.

He said: “Nothing has been decided yet as the plan is still in its draft stages.

“It still has to go out to consultation, so the Tories are once again scaremongering about what is going to happen on that land, which is simply one area that has been identified as a potential for development.”


Cllr - Ron Woodley

Cllr - Ron Woodley


Mr Woodley says Government targets mean the council must build 23,600 new homes before 2040.

He added: “That green belt land should be protected and the only circumstances under which my independent group would tolerate development would be a brand-new university hospital for a modern city.

“Homes could then be built on the site of the old hospital instead of green belt.”


Proposals - Draft local plan options for the land. Pic: Southend Council

Proposals - Draft local plan options for the land. Pic: Southend Council


Conservative councillor Dan Nelson was sceptical the land would remain free from large housing development.

He said: “We cannot ignore that the plan designates green belt land for 7,000 houses. That would amount to the destruction of this green belt land and is simply not on.

“I have always opposed the inappropriate development of green belt land and will continue to fight it.”