A SOUTHEND-based dog trainer says the coronavirus pandemic should have been the perfect environment to raise a puppy, but instead it has created massive spike in dogs with behavioural issues.

Adam Spivey, owner of Southend Dog Training, has told the Echo he has seen a massive influx of dog-owners seeking his help as they struggle to transition from lockdown to normal life.

And he said the issue was not people losing interest in their pets, but not anticipating the impact of the pandemic ending.


Mr Spivey, who grew up in Southend and now lives in Wakering, said: “On the face of it, it was an ideal period to get a puppy. People had nothing but time on their hands, no knowing when they would be going back to work.

“But inexperienced owners were giving their dogs too much attention while they were stuck indoors.


Training - Adam Spivey says behavioural issues increased over lockdown.

Training - Adam Spivey says behavioural issues increased over lockdown.


“There was a massive spike in anxiety cases when people returned to work, because you had all these dogs that were getting three or four walks a day, loads of attention at home, and when the reality of work like hit they could not keep it up.”

Mr Spivey’s experience is echoed by research undertaken at charity Dog’s Trust.

In a recent survey the charity found nuisance behaviours had increased sharply over lockdown, with an 82 per cent increase in reports of dogs whining or barking when someone was busy.

Of the owners surveyed, a further 20 per cent said their dogs were more frequently seeking attention, while 41 per cent reported an increase in their pooches being clingy or following people around the house.


Training - Adam Spivey says behavioural issues increased over lockdown.

Training - Adam Spivey says behavioural issues increased over lockdown.


Anxiety was also found to be on the rise, with 54 per cent saying their dog has hidden or moved away when approached.

Mr Spivey says many owners continue to struggle with controlling the extreme behaviours exhibited by dogs going through a drastic change in lifestyle.

He added: “As a result, these dogs would exhibit behavioural problems with anxious dogs tearing up homes while they were away, barking and even acting aggressively and lunging at people.”

“Lockdown should have been a blessing in disguise, with all this time to teach them how to behave. But many owners failed to socialise their puppies properly.”

Mr Spivey, a former casino worker, quit his job to train dogs full time in 2012, setting up Southend Dog Training.

The 32-year-old’s business recently exploded in popularity after setting up an online service which saw thousands of people across the world rush to him for help training their puppies with the coronavirus pandemic putting a halt on in-person training.

The business offers in-person training across England and Scotland and has and a half million followers across various social media platforms.

The firm’s online training programme boats 9,000 current members at the moment., with members from in South Africa, USA, Brazil, and Australia.