AN £11.5 million scheme to regenerate Wickford has hit a stumbling block as the council demands an extra £6,000 from the developer.

Plans to knockdown Wickford Library and Community Centre to make way for 65 new flats were approved by Basildon Council in March 2020.

The plans will also see a new library set up at Unit 8 of Willowdale Shopping Centre, on the site of the former HSBC.


However, the scheme, which has been in planning stages since 2015, has hit a fresh roadblock as the council looks to renegotiate a legal agreement with the developer – demanding an extra £6,000 towards getting residents into work.


Wickford library

Known as an S106 agreement, the council and applicant Sheet Anchor Investments had previously agreed the development would provide two full times jobs for borough residents, with the firm coughing up a further £10,000 for the council to invest in employment and skills initiatives.

Next week, the application will once again go to a planning committee vote, with the council demanding that number is increased to £16,020.

Councillor Kerry Smith said: “Why did we not ask for the money earlier? It’s tempting fate messing around this late over such a small amount of money.

“Yes, the committee has been recommended to approve this, but what if they say no? We could face another major planning appeal and all the associated costs.”

He added: “They should have got their homework done straight away, chasing the horse after it has bolted is stupidity.”

But Wickford councillor Don Morris praised the move.

 “I welcome any extra money for employment and skills training,” he said.

“We particularly need to make sure we get boost training to get young people into jobs as they are essential to the future of this borough.”

As part of the S106 agreement, which sees the developer stump up funds to offset any negative impacts a scheme may have, Sheet Anchor Investments has agreed to cough up almost £200,000 for roads, affordable housing, the environment and the NHS.

The developer has also pledged to spend £1.4 million on materials for the build from businesses in Basildon, Billericay, Wickford and Pitsea.

Council officers have recommended councillors vote for the £6,000 employment boost.