JAMES Duddridge has come out swinging in defence of the Prime Minister after he was fined for attending a boozy party during lockdown.

Rochford and Southend East MP James Duddridge, who was named the new Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to the Prime Minister in February, Tweeted in defence of the beleaguered PM as calls mounted for his resignation.

Mr Duddridge said: “The Prime Minister should focus on Ukraine and delivering for the people of the UK.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson (right) with Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak during a visit to Fourpure Brewery in Bermondsey. Pic: PA

“He is the right person to lead the party and the country. The PM has apologised and accepted responsibility.”


Mr Johnson had initially denied attending any parties, before admitting he did attend, but had not realised the boozy gatherings in his own home were parties.

Mr Duddridge added: “We need to be united in our resolve and move forward under his leadership.”


Responding to Mr Duddridge’s comments, councillor Matt Dent said: “This is shameful. The PM broke the law, and this is the cowardice of one of Southend's parliamentary representatives, on full show.”

The PM, his wife Carrie and the Chancellor all apologised on Tuesday and confirmed they had paid fines imposed by the Metropolitan Police over a party held on June 19, 2020, to mark Mr Johnson’s 56th birthday.

Speaking to broadcasters at Chequers, Mr Johnson said it “did not occur” to him that the gathering might be breaching Covid rules.


A police officer gestures to colleagues outside 10 Downing Street. Pic: PA

But although both politicians said they now accepted the rules had been broken, neither appeared to be considering their positions.

In the wake of the fines being made public, Southend’s Labour council leader has called for the PM to resign.

Councillor Ian Gilbert said: “Partying whilst others grieved alone is awful. Breaking the laws you made is atrocious. But repeatedly lying to Parliament? For that, the Prime Minister must resign if our parliamentary democracy is to mean anything.”


Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak have been fined over lockdown parties held at Downing Street. Pic: PA

Mr Johnson, who is reported to have attended six of the 12 parties under investigation, has not ruled out the prospect of further fines.

More than 50 fines have been issued by Scotland Yard in relation to Operation Hillman, which is probing possible Covid breaches in Downing Street and Whitehall.