The crash hot spots in Southend have been revealed in an interactive online map.

Created by two road safety experts, CrashMap highlights the location of every collision on the roads in any given period.

The detailed tool shows you not only the severity of the crash – slight, serious or fatal – but also when it took place, the number of vehicles involved and the number of casualties reported.

The data used is taken directly from official government statistics, which is based on records submitted to them by the police.

Hovering the map over Southend the website reports more than 80 crashes between 2019 and 2020.

It shows in 2020 and 2021 there were 83 crashes which included ones that were fatal and serious, it also shows there are crash hot spots in the area of Queensway, A1160, and Sutton Road with six serious crashes over the time period.

There’s also another hot spot in the area of A13 and Hamlet Court Road with four serious crashes, there’s another hot spot in the area of Thorpe Bay Esplanade, Burges Road and St Augustines Avenue with five serious crashes.

There were two fatal crashes in the area of Southend Road Thorpe Bay and High St Great Wakering.

Steven Wakefield, cabinet member for highways, transport and parking, said: “We take the stance that one person killed or seriously injured in a traffic collision is one too many, and we take an active role in the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP), which is committed to reducing death and injury on the roads in Essex.

"Our safety engineers use collision data to identify sites where highway engineering schemes can improve safety. The SERP invests its resources in education and public information with the aim of having a positive influence on road user behaviour.

"Where necessary, the SERP also uses police enforcement to uphold the law when drivers create unacceptable risks for themselves and others, and this includes days where SERP set up in hot spot areas across the City and stop drivers that are speeding, not wearing a seatbelt or driving recklessly.

“Southend and the SERP want to see reductions in casualty figures, and we support the Vision Zero campaign, which aims for zero deaths on our roads. The "SERP has a role to play in this, but we believe all road users can make a contribution by ensuring that every time they use the road they give 100% focus to the task in hand, check their vehicle and tyres are roadworthy, avoid risky or aggressive manoeuvres including ‘tailgating’, comply with speed limits and the Highway Code, and never drive while distracted or impaired through drink or drugs.

“I am also working to increase traffic police presence in and around the City to help reduce car accidents on our roads.”

You can view the full interactive map and search for your area here.