FAMILIES will start avoiding Southend seafront if the area continues to be plagued by violence, trouble and dispersal orders every weekend, traders fear.

A third dispersal order - giving police tougher powers to move on groups of people - was launched on Sunday night and into Monday morning following what police branded as “disturbances”.

Police are confident that dispersal orders are an effective way of stopping trouble as it begins and preventing further problems.

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However, traders are now concerned that the method and trouble seen in recent weeks is already putting families off from visiting the city.

Joan Tiney, 71, owner of The Borough Hotel, said: “We’ve been out on the seafront a lot in this last week, at the pub, collecting glasses at the tables.

“And last week with the previous dispersal order, one family said to us, this is the first time they’ve come to Southend, but it will be their last because of the crime.

“These people know they can get away with causing trouble and nothing will happen to them, what would do them good is having them pinned down, hands down on the floor being arrested.

“None of this soft approach anymore, as it is getting ridiculous.

“Bring in horse units and more dog units, go full force in stopping these people coming down to Southend.

“Businesses had to close early again yesterday, more money lost for businesses, and this is the time we expect to take the money to last through the winter.”

Martin Richardson, owner of the Happidrome Arcade, also worried Southend is getting the wrong reputation.

He said: “It is damaging our city, spoiling the whole outside of Southend.

“Businesses need people come to Southend, we want them to go home recommend it to their friends.

“This violence and the orders are only going to stop that, I fear this will drive the nice families away.”

Paul Thompson, owners of Pebbles Café, hopes the dispersal orders are short-term pain for long-term game.

He said: “Obviously it’s troubling, but I think the positives are Essex Police are on the seafront in force now.

“We need to stop these people or anyone with intent on causing trouble coming into Southend.

“Police seem to be upping their game, and hopefully these orders will stop these people coming to Southend and help stamp this out quickly.”