PLANS are being drawn up to replace 29 unused and rundown garages with new homes, as a consultation with residents is launched.

Basildon Council is proposing to replace the garages in Great Mistley, Basildon with either eight flats or six bungalows.

Initial proposals last year included ten flats but this was reduced to eight flats after feedback from residents.

The council is holding a consultation meeting at Great Mistley Hall today from 4pm to 7pm.

Kerry Smith, Independent councillor for Nethermayne and former deputy leader of the council, said: “I think bungalows is a better idea for the site and I a glad there are two options.

“The council has been looking at doing this for some time.

There was some opposition from residents last year about loss of parking.


“I think having bungalows will allow older people to move out of their larger homes, which frees up homes for families.

“It will also allow them to move home and keep some of their independence.”

Option one with the flats would see ten development parking bays, 36 community parking bays, and five kerbside community parking bays.

It would also include roads widened to 6.1m, to allow for two passing vehicles, dedicated pavement spaces added, with protective kerbing and parking bays for development and community to be provided with electrical charging points.

Plans under option two with the bungalows include six development parking bays, 32 community parking bays, and five kerbside community parking bays.

Andrew Baggott, leader of Basildon Council, said it will make a big difference to the area. He said: “None of the garages are being used as garages and they have become a bit run down.

“It’s part of our work to make the borough safer and a place where people want to live and be part of the community. We are keen to progress this as soon as possible.

“It will make a big difference to this area and it will make it completely different and will help transform the area and really brighten and tidy it up”

He said the council wants to work with the community and get the views of residents on the proposals and planned development