A large police presence was spotted outside a city pub amid reports of “unruly” behaviour by a large group of people.

Bosses at The Exchange in Southchurch Road, Southend, say they were forced to close early last night due to the large group of people who they say were "throwing furniture and food" around inside.

The business bosses also say there were about 30 police and a police dog unit and it was a scary incident.

The pub manager, 55, who asked not to be named said: “About 150 people came to the pub and trashed the place and made a mess. We tried shutting the doors and we stopped serving.

“It got out of hand and they went and got drinks from other businesses and they made a mess. We stopped serving at about 5pm and they were pushing over chairs and throwing food about and making a nuisance.


“We lost about six hours of business. There was lots of police here and a police dog unit too. There was about six police vehicles, about 30 people.

“Some were shouting at and threatening staff and some left without payment. It was completely unmanageable, they were being unruly and not being law abiding.”

He said it was scary for staff and some customers.