South Essex councils have announced books of condolences will be opened today in memory of The Queen.

Residents will be invited to share memories and messages with the books in Thurrock and Southend later today.

The mayor of Southend, Kevin Robinson, said: “We join the rest of the nation in expressing our very great sadness at the announcement today regarding the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

“Her Majesty The Queen was our longest reigning Monarch, and is rightly loved and respected across the world. Our thoughts are with The Royal Family at this deeply sad time.

“Flags across our civic buildings will be flown at half-mast and a letter of condolence will be sent to the Queen’s personal secretary expressing our sympathies."

An official Book of Condolence will be opened and available to sign in the Civic Centre Jubilee Room from 1pm today. Floral tributes should be left at the fountain outside the Civic Centre.

The council says it will make further announcements about any local arrangements or events to mark this news in due course

A Thurrock Council spokesman said: "Thurrock Council shares the nation’s feelings of sorrow as it mourns the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in history.

"A book of condolence for residents will be opened in the council at 10am."