A NEW bench has been unveiled in a Southend Park in memory of Archie Battersbee, with hundreds of family and friends in attendance.

It was unveiled by the 12-year-old’s mum Hollie Dance, and dad Paul Battersbee, following his funeral yesterday.

The black bench is located in Priory Park, Southend, in the children’s play area.
Hundreds of people turned up to see the new bench being opened for the first time.

When cutting the rope to unveil the bench, Hollie Dance, thanked everyone for coming.  

READ MORE >> Hundreds pay their respects to Archie Battersbee during emotional funeral service

She said: “Thank you everyone for coming today.

“This is the first memorial for our Archie.

“It will give his friends a space to chill out and give them space to remember Archie if they want too.”

The bench carries the quote “make the most of your life, live and be happy”.

It adds: “In memory of Archie Battersbee, 10 March 2010, to 6 August 2022.”

After cutting the ribbon to the bench, many of Archie’s friends and family sat on the bench to reflect after an emotional day.

Many then made their way over to the ban stand in Priory Park to celebrate the 12-year-old’s life following the unveil of the bench and the funeral earlier on in the day.

Hollie Dance said this will hopefully be the first of many memorials for Archie, with some in relation to his gymnastics currently being planned.

Before the funeral, Ms Dance added how one day she hopes to set up a foundation in her boy’s name.

She said: “Eventually we would like to set up a foundation in Archie’s name that covers more gym memberships for children and teenagers to be able to box, do gymnastics, trampolining, MMA, or any other classes.

“That is way off at the moment but that is what we are aiming for and hopefully we can spread that to areas outside and around Southend too.

“Every child deserves the chance to do things like this, and I know Archie loved it.”