Many people in the Basildon district will have noticed how the black rubbish sacks provided by the council have become smaller, and now no longer fit across the top of a standard size dustbin.

No doubt this saves the council money, albeit at an inconvenience to their "customers", but I wonder if there is another reason for the change.

If, in the future, we are asked to pay per sack for rubbish removal, an item already on the national environmental agenda, then the council will have stolen a march by introducing smaller sacks well in advance.

But this is not the only issue with these smaller sacks. I've noticed in street rubbish bins the new black bags are also too small, and rubbish is already slipping down the side.

This will result in higher collection costs, and spillage of rubbish in the streets which will encourage vermin. Another winner from the council's green issues team!

John Rushton
Guernsey Gardens