A CONSULTATION over plans to bring in speed bumps and 20mph zones in Thorpe Bay shows “utter contempt for residents”, according to furious critics.

Southend Council is asking for views on its £400,000 traffic calming scheme on roads across Thorpe ward, with two options presented.

Both options limit vehicles to 20mph, with one ensuring every car is within 50 metres of a speed bump or a sign.

The other suggest placing speed humps near major access junctions.

But it is the lack of a third option - a rejection of the plans - which has sparked a backlash from angry opposition councillors.

Kevin Buck, Conservative councillor for Prittlewell ward, said: “This is a very deliberate attempt by the current administration to force a scheme upon residents, whether they want it or not.

“It is a gross abuse of power and a display of utter contempt for residents of Thorpe Bay.”

Andrew Hall, chairman of Thorpe Bay Residents’ Association, added: “This is not a consultation, it’s a dictatorship. We have a 100 roads far more in need of this. We have no traffic. It’s ridiculous.”

The scheme has been backed by Independent Thorpe Ward councillor Ron Woodley.

Mr Woodley resigned as deputy council leader in March after being criticised for distributing an unofficial consultation on the plan to Thorpe Bay residents.

He said: “We know of massive accidents at junctions there and there are speeding vehicle all the time. This will make it safe to walk or cycle.”

Steven Wakefield, Southend councillor responsible for highways, transport and parking, said: “Both of the proposed schemes contribute to the council’s priorities for the city, particularly in terms of moving towards a safer city by reducing vehicle speeds and improving the safety for pedestrians and ensuring residents and visitors feel safe and secure in their neighbourhoods.

“This could also encourage our residents to use active and more sustainable transport options. I urge all residents and businesses in these areas to take this opportunity to express their views by completing the consultations. The comments will help us to finalise our proposals before construction commences.”

The closing date for responses is Friday, October 21 at 5pm. To take part, visit yoursay.southend.gov.uk/thorpe-ward-traffic-calming-consultation.

A similar consultation is under way for Leigh.