Gymgoers at Basildon Sporting Village have been training hard in preparation for a big competition next month.

The Fortis Championships has seen competitors from all over the southeast, of all fitness levels, sweat, squat and lunge to their way up the leaderboard.

Having launched in September and the finals will take place 12 November, where it will be hosted by Ben Shephard.

Participants complete Fortis, powered by Speedflex classes, which run at Everyone Active.

It is a high intensity HIIT class and competitors compete to be named the ultimate Fortis champions and win prizes such as a £500 cash, an Everyone Active annual membership and a luxury spa day and overnight stay for two.

Echo: Team effort - the Basildon Sporting Village competitors Team effort - the Basildon Sporting Village competitors (Image: Fortis Challenge)

The 30 minute class is a favourite of the likes of football legends Alan Shearer and Dion Dublin, it is a 30-minute workout.

General manager of Basildon Sporting Village James Dennis, said: “We’ve had a fantastic start to the Fortis Championships so far with new and existing members getting involved and giving the challenge their all. The great thing about Fortis is that it’s a workout anyone can do, so it’s been great to see a real mix of ages and abilities taking part and battling it out against each other.

Echo: Focus - the gymgoer working hardFocus - the gymgoer working hard (Image: Fortis Challenge)

“The competitive spirit is making it really popular in the local community. We hope to see a few representatives from the Basildon centre competing in the grand final in a few weeks’ time, but overall people are just enjoying coming together as part of a community and taking the time to do something positive for themselves and one another.”

The championship consists of teams of two, competing against others from across the southeast, completing a series of high octane, low impact challenges.

Echo: The gym - where participants work outThe gym - where participants work out (Image: Fortis challenge)

Contestants make their way up the leaderboard by collecting points awarded for time spent exercising in each individual’s personal heart rate zone.

To take part, contestants’ book onto a ‘Challenger Class’ via the Everyone Active app.

The finals are also taking place at Harrow Lodge Leisure centre on Saturday 12th November and are being hosted by TV presenter and Speedflex Ambassador, Ben Shephard.