A POLICE probe into a company set up to run a school bus service in Southend has officially found no criminal wrongdoing, it has been confirmed.

Conservative Group leader Tony Cox (pictured) reported Vecteo to Essex Police after claiming the way the company had been run warranted a fraud investigation.

Vecteo is a joint venture set up by London Hire Community Services and Southend Council to ferry children with special educational needs and disabilities to school.

It ran into problems immediately after its launch in 2021 and was heavily criticised by parents and councillors for putting children at risk.

The company, which has a £2million contract with the council, was said to have had too few vehicles and staff, while children were left unattended by the side of the road and a pupil almost fell out the door of a moving bus.

Despite the failings the company asked for a £500,000 financial “bail-out” from Southend Council, a request described as “shameful” by Mr Cox following the failings.

This week Essex Police said there would be no further action taken.

A spokesman said: “We are aware of allegations relating to a transport service project involving Southend City Council.

“Specialist officers from the Kent & Essex Serious Crime Directorate have reviewed these allegations and the material provided, and have not identified any criminal offences.”

Mr Cox welcomed the police decision but said someone should answer for the costs and past failings service Mr Cox said: “While I am relieved that there wasn’t any fraud this however raises other questions. For a contract that was supposed to save the council money and now the costs are way in excess of the previous contract, who is now going to be held accountable for the ineptitude, incompetence and mismanagement of the Vecteo contract”

A spokesman for Southend Council, said: “We are aware that that the police have investigated this matter and confirmed that no criminal offences have been identified, and therefore no further action is being taken.”

A recent report has indicated the service has improved greatly after a new manager was appointed.

The latest progress report on Vecteo showed since August it has met most of its Key Performance Indicators.