A WHITE rhino born at Colchester Zoo is enjoying a “scratch behind the ear and on the nose” at her new stomping ground in Germany after moving from her home.

Lottie, who is two, has safely arrived at Thüringer Zoopark Erfurt in Germany after setting off on her lengthy journey last Wednesday.

She embarked on the excursion alongside new best friend Stella, a white rhino from Cotswold Wildlife Park and Garden.

Following a six-month wait, a result of Brexit, according to Colchester Zoo bosses, she is now making the most of the complex’s redeveloped new rhino habitat.


Upon being released into her new home, Lottie immediately started to explore and was not shy in approaching her new keepers for some attention.

A spokesman for Colchester Zoo said: “Lottie had a remarkable relationship with Colchester Zoo’s Animal Care Team and will be missed.

“But we’re pleased to hear that Lottie has arrived safely and is settling in well to her new home with her new companion Stella.

“We look forward to hearing more from Erfurt with updates as to how Lottie and Stella are adjusting to their new life together.

“But so far all is very positive, and they both seem to be happy in their new environment.”

Lottie was born at Colchester Zoo in January 2020 to mum Emily and dad Otto, both of whom remain at the zoo and continue to be a successful breeding pair.


She was Emily’s third calf to be born at Colchester Zoo after having daughter Pembe in 2013 and son Kifaru in 2017.

It is now hoped Lottie can follow in her mother's footsteps at her new home and help prevent the near threatened species from extinction. 

"Zoopark Erfurt has cared for rhinos before and has successfully bred eight calves," added the Colchester Zoo spokesman.

"When Lottie and Stella are old enough, they will be introduced to a bull rhino recommended by the studbook keeper and go on to have calves of their own.

"Until then, the two of them will enjoy their new home together."