DEVELOPERS have once again raised the prospect of 850 new homes and a school on farmland in Benfleet as part of a fresh round of public exhibitions and consultations. 

Persimmon and Redrow are behind plans to build the homes west of Benfleet on Jotmans Farm.

The scheme, which also includes a primary school, nursery, and medical facilities, would also see new access from the A130 to the west of the site.

The farmland is currently undeveloped and if given the green light it would see 40 per cent of the new homes classed as affordable.

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In the past, campaigning residents have launched petitions and campaign groups in a bid to fight the plans which they say will cause congestion and traffic issues. 

They also claim the bid would have a detrimental impact on wildlife. 

Robert Lillis, a Benfleet resident, called the proposal “obscene” and said he, and many other residents, will continue to fight against it.

He said: “Jotmans Farm is Green Belt and as such should be afforded every protection. 

“This site, along with all the of the other Green Belt sites included in the previous local plan, should never have been included in the first place. 

“Fortunately, the previous local plan was withdrawn by the current administration and work has now commenced on another local plan.  

“As such, this proposal should be refused. It is not wanted by the vast majority of residents that live here and any future building within Castle Point should be on brownfield sites only. We will continue to fight against this proposal.”

Castle Point councillor Russell Savage, who represents the People’s Independent Party, added: “Obviously we have voted down the local plan that was developed by the Conservative party at the beginning of the year. So as far as we are concerned, they won’t be building anything on Jotmans Farm because it is Green Belt.”

However, he added: “Ultimately, I would recommend all the residents go to a public consultation in any case,

“We have had thousands and thousands of people signing petitions against this development, and we have always said we would support the residents wishes.It is another opportunity for residents to make their voices heard, which I fully encourage them to do so.”

The developers say the public exhibition will allow residents to have their say. It will be held from 11am to 4pm on Wednesday, November 16, at The Rookery View Hall in Benfleet. For those unable to make that, virtual consultations will also be held between November 16, to November 30.

The land had been identified for development in the previous local plan before it was withdrawn earlier in the year.

In 2017 residents campaigned to have plans to build 265 homes in Jotmans Farm thrown out by Castle Point Council, but now with council struggling to meet government home building targets, the land could now be set for development.

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