BASILDON Hospital is handing out blankets and hot water bottles to patients after a wing was left without heating.

The Jubilee Wing of Basildon Hospital has lost heating following a mechanical fault with hospital bosses scrambling to fix the issues as soon as possible.

Harry Saunders, 37, says he fears for his father’s safety as a result, after he was admitted to a ward on the wing on Monday evening.

The hospital was unable to confirm how many patients are in the wing, despite being quizzed by the Echo.

“There is no heating at all - they have offered him blankets and a hot water bottle but it’s not good enough,” Mr Saunders, of Billericay, said.

“I’ve said to them this could cost my dad his life.”

His father, Michael, 62, was admitted to hospital with a lung condition called aspergillosis, an infection caused by a type of mould that affects the respiratory system.

“He is absolutely freezing in there and he can’t breathe very well as it is,” Mr Saunders continued.

“I can’t believe it, it’s an absolute travesty. They are not allowing me to bring in an electric heater or electric blankets to help keep him warm.

“I am scared for him and powerless,” he continued.

“My dad can’t discharge himself with how poorly he is but he is in a cold place that could be making him worse.”

The Mid and South Essex NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, says it has distributed heaters and blankets to patients on the affected wards.

When quizzed on how long the issue would take to be fixed, the trust had no answer, but did confirm a specialist replacement part has been ordered.

A trust spokesman said: “Heating issues are isolated to the Jubilee Wing of Basildon Hospital, where portable heaters and extra blankets have been distributed to those wards affected.

“We are sorry to those patients impacted and staff are ensuring we are keeping them safe and warm. the trust is working as fast as it can with an external company to get heating in this area back up and running as a matter of priority.”