A COUPLE stole more than £100,000 from their dementia-stricken father to fund a lavish lifestyle, using his account as a “piggy bank”.

Andrew Maddox, 57 and Diane Maddox, 58, transferred money from Mr Maddox’s father’s account and used his debit card for a series of expensive payments, as well as every day items like groceries.

Basildon Crown Court heard how Andrew Maddock, of Bridgewater Drive, Westcliff, tried to arrange power of attorney over his dad’s finances due to his dementia and Alzheimer’s, but the bank refused it over incorrect paperwork.

Prosecuting, Mark Hunsley, said: “Transactions were made for train tickets, holidays, flights, cigars and significant amounts of groceries.

“We say they used his account as their own piggy bank as it were. It came to light after care home fees for Mr Maddox’s father stop being paid and the care home staff contacted social services and an investigation began.

“It was an abuse of a position of power and trust over a sustained period and he was targeted due to his vulnerability.”

Mitigating for Diane Maddox, Sheryl Nwous, said she played a secondary role and believed it was being done with consent.

Mitigating for Andrew Maddox, Philip Stott, said: “He asks me to ask for leniency for his wife. His father died in July and the couple, their children and grandchildren didn’t attend the funeral out of shame.

“He is remorseful and truly regrets everything that happened.”

Sentencing, Judge Ian Graham, said: “You were both convicted of serious dishonestly against your father Andrew Maddox. It does seen you were using his money to fund a lifestyle and it was one of a certain lavishness.

“The amount for Diane Maddox was £26,000 while the amount for Andrew Maddox was £80,000.

“You mixed the money with you own in an attempt to cover your tracks. It was as serious breach of trust and serious fraud against a vulnerable relative.”

Andrew Maddox was found guilty after a trial of five counts of fraud and two counts of transferring criminal property. He was jailed for two and half years.

Diane Maddox, of Priorywood Drive, Leigh was found guilty of two counts of fraud and two counts of transferring criminal property.

She sentenced to 15 months in prison suspended for two years.