A “major television” show is set to be recorded outside the Southend Council offices.

A dramatic scene with a burnt out car and rubble has been spotted outside the Civic Centre in Southend.

The council says preparations have already started ahead of filming to prepare the building in Victoria Avenue, which was chosen for its architecture, so that it’s ready for shooting to begin.



Members of the public and council staff will still be able to get into the Civic Centre. Southend Police Station, which is not forming part of the filming but is next door, will remain open to the public as usual.


Some of the actors involved will be carrying imitation firearms a part of the filming. Essex Police are aware, and it is nothing to be concerned about.


Paul Collins, councillor for asset management and inward investment, said: “Although we are not permitted to give away any of the details about the filming or exactly what is taking place, we are keen to reassure residents that there is nothing to worry about, and they can still access their public buildings.

“We regularly have television and film production companies request to film in Southend, because they see the great benefits our City offers.”