SOUTHEND’S bus station could face closure amid a raft of budget cuts, council budget papers reveal.

The travel centre provides shelter for bus passengers along with toilet facilities up to 11pm but it has been the subject of antisocial behaviour in the past.

The council says the bus station, near the Royals, is costing £200,000 a year to run.

A report to cabinet said: “This saving will be achieved through either leasing the travel centre to a third party operator or closing it and replacing the asset with a series of bus shelters and exploring options for alternative toilet facilities.

“Shelters can be purchased with Local Transport Plan funds.”

In addition, the council is also looking at introducing lightweight advertising banners to lamp columns in shopping areas and locations of high footfall to generate revenue.

A budget report to councillors said: “These banners can advertise local businesses, educational establishments or serve as a messaging service by the council to the residents and visitors to the city.”

Similar projects – including banners on lamp posts on the A127 in Basildon have been used in the past.