VILLAGERS got their feet wet in 1921 when High Street in Old Leigh flooded.

The “then” photo depicts the extent of the flooding outside the Peterboat, which happened on November 1, 1921.

People can be seen wading in the water which flooded the streets on a cold November day.

When the water receded it became clear that the flood had unfortunately caused damage to buildings on the street. 

Echo: Rising tides - Leigh flooded in 1921Rising tides - Leigh flooded in 1921 (Image: Sourced by Jon Wennington from a book by John F Bundock)

The photo was sourced by Jon Wennington, member of the in Ros Southend Past in Photos. Old Southend and memories Facebook group, taken from a book by John F Bundock.

The “now” photo was taken by Jon Wennington and shows the area of Leigh as it is today, near the Peterboat.