A CATASTROPHE which affected the Essex coastline has been revisited in a new book ahead of the 70 the anniversary of the devastating floods.

Cherry Burroughs launched her debut novel about the great North Sea flood of 1953.

With the 70th anniversary of the flood occurring this month, Cherry's debut novel, The Farmer and the Fury, is published to commemorate the historical incident.

The story follows George and Annie Hadley, whose family farmed on an island in the Thames Estuary.


Cherry, the author of the book, said: "The great flood was a harrowing experience for my husband and his family who farmed on Foulness Island.

"The book has a detailed description of what my husband's father saw from the view of the George Hadley character.

"The great North Sea flood of 1953 is embodied in our history, not just because of the tragic loss of lives but also because it reminds all of us of our vulnerabilities when faced with the power of nature, a theme still relevant today.

"My novel is about the determination to survive and enduring love, and it is dedicated to all affected by the great North Sea flood."

Her book is available on Amazon and will come to bookshops in February on cherryburroughs.co.uk.