Dog walkers could be hit with £100 fines if they're caught letting their pets off the leash at a south Essex borough's cemeteries.

A new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) means that owners of dogs who do not pick up after their pet or allow them off the leash in one of Thurrock's cemeteries can be issued with a £100 fixed penalty notice.

Ben Maney, councillor responsible for transport and public safety, said: “We know the vast majority of dog owners are entirely responsible but it is only right we ask, out of respect for our cemeteries and the mourners attending them, that all dogs are kept on a lead and that their owners pick-up after them.

"This PSPO gives our enforcement officers the powers they need to tackle anyone who allows their dog to run free in a cemetery or worse still, fails to clear up after them.”

The PSPO came into force on Friday (February 3) and requires owners to remove any dogs mess left by their pets and to ensure that dogs are on a leash at all times in the borough’s cemeteries

Andrew Jefferies, councillor responsible for environment, said: “Our cemeteries are not only beautiful open spaces they are a place for people to mourn, reflect and remember the lives’ of loved ones.

"We understand that most dog walkers are entirely respectful of that and we hope this order will help us to ensure that our cemeteries remain a peaceful sanctuary where people can remember those they have lost.”

The new order can be viewed online at