Volunteers travelled to a town in Ukraine, which is “twinned” with Basildon, to deliver vital goods to the people who live there.

Basildon Twinning Association worked with Boxers Barbers 4 Ukraine, who are based in Wickford, gather supplies and then deliver them to people during winter.

Now safely back in the UK, the brave team ventured into the war-torn country, setting off on their mission last weekend to Borodyanka near to Kyiv.

Echo: Emotional - the team met locals in the townEmotional - the team met locals in the town (Image: Basildon Twinning Association)

Bob Sheridan, chairman of the Basildon Twinning Association, said: “In the end between us we had managed to provide seven generators, food, warm clothing, lights and materials to work with the young people.

"With the invaluable input and experience from Steve Parker and the Boxers Barbers 4 Ukraine team, everything was delivered safely. The team got to meet Mayor Yerko and hopefully this will go a long way to moving the discussions with Basildon Council on.”

Echo: Incredible journey - 4 Ukraine and The Basildon Twinning groups in Poland before entering UkraineIncredible journey - 4 Ukraine and The Basildon Twinning groups in Poland before entering Ukraine (Image: Bob Sheridan)

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Basildon Borough Council passed a motion asking Basildon Twinning Association to explore the possibilities of ‘twinning’ with a town in Ukraine.

After months of research and emails, with the help of the Ukrainian Embassy in London, a link was established with the town of Borodyanka near to Kyiv.

The two Councils are now in conversation trying to establish how a twinning partnership might work during a war conflict with many complex issues to address.

Echo: Packing the vans - Mayor Luke Mackenzie, Mark Francois MP and Barber’s Boxers 4 UkrainePacking the vans - Mayor Luke Mackenzie, Mark Francois MP and Barber’s Boxers 4 Ukraine (Image: Bob Sheridan)

However, the Twinning Association have made a start being in contact with a centre for psychological rehabilitation.

This centre is dealing with children and teenagers who have been severely affected by the Russian occupation. At Christmas, the children exchanged messages, photos and cards with local Basildon children.

Basildon Twinning got in touch with Boxers Barbers 4 Ukraine who have been going out to various parts of Ukraine for the past year and are experienced in organising aid to the war zone.

Echo: Improving life for youngsters - a child using the materials delivered by the teamImproving life for youngsters - a child using the materials delivered by the team (Image: Bob Sheridan)

Together, they organised a ‘Just Giving’ page to raise money for a generator. Power supplies are badly affected by Russian attacks on power stations. Both the Twinning Association and Boxers Barbers 4 Ukraine have collected goods to send to Borodyanka.

Last weekend, three vehicles set off from Basildon and Wickford to deliver badly needed supplies.

To donate visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/robert-sheridan-1?utm_term=BN8w7Nz8x