RESIDENTS are furious with plans to fell more than 60 mature trees to make way for a 70-home development in Shoebury.

Taylor Wimpey, one of the UK’s largest home construction companies, has submitted a bid to Southend Council to bulldoze the Cantel Medical site in Campfield road to make way for 58 homes and a three-storey block of 12 flats.

The proposals will see 63 mature trees felled to make way for the new homes, with the firm pledging to plant 81 young trees to replace them.

“The proposed replacement with 81 young trees is grossly inadequate regarding canopy cover and their essential benefits,” Tim Fransen, 50, said.

Mr Fransen, a Southend resident whose mother lives in Shoebury Garrison, added: “The new and retained trees will produce a replacement of approximately 70 per cent of the original canopy cover on the site in 20-25 years’ time.

“This is a David vs Goliath situation, but collectively, I believe we can beat this relentless giant to help shape the environment we live and breathe every day.”

A petition calling for the mature trees has amassed almost 200 signatures.

Peter Lovett, vice chair of Shoebury Residents Association, said: “My biggest problem with the development is the potential flooding, and mature trees provide a lot of protection from that.

“Sure, they are planting 81 trees, but it takes very long for them to provide the same benefits.”

Taylor Wimpey insists proposals to deliver a net increase of 18 trees demonstrates it’s commitment to only protecting the canopy and only removing trees if it is absolutely necessary.

A Taylor Wimpey spokesman said: “We are aware of concerns that have been raised regarding our application for a new site in Shoebury and, in recognition of this feedback, we have made a number of changes to our initial proposals. 

“Before we submitted these proposals, we worked closely with Southend Council, as well as its statutory consultees, to ensure our proposals satisfy local policies, are respectful of local heritage assets and positively contribute to biodiversity in the area. 

“Our proposals will benefit the wider community and secure the future of this site, by delivering a more compatible use of high quality new homes with improved landscaping and connectivity with the surrounding area.”