More than 60 vehicles caused a "nuisance" during a large car meet on Canvey sparking warnings and orders from police.

Officers were called to the rally in Roscommon Way after following the large gathering of vehicles shortly before midnight last night.

The area has had many issues with car meetings over the years and last September Castle Point Council issued a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to run for three years. 


Essex Roads Policing posted on Twitter: "After reports of 60 plus vehicles causing a nuisance on Roscommon way, South Roads Policing Unit working with Essex Police Castle Point attended, issued traffic offence reports and warnings before moving them all on and out of the area."

Anyone flouting the PSPO order can be prosecuted or issued with a £100 fine. Repeat offenders can find themselves in court.

PSPOs are a tool made available to councils under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 and are intended to be used to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a specific area that is having a detrimental effect to the local community’s quality of life.