MEET the kind girl who has spent seven years putting smiles on the faces of people in Leigh as she spends Valentine’s Day handing out roses.

Ruby Finch, now 13, has spent the last seven Valentine’s Day in Leigh Broadway handing out roses to the community.

The teenager who attends The Deanes School, in Thundersley, has being doing the random act of kindness since she was six.

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Ruby came up with the idea after her mum, Ruth Lamb, 52, gave her roses for Valentine’s Day when she was six.

The 13-year-old then decided she wanted to also hand out roses to make others feel special.

She said: “It makes me feel like I am making someone’s day as I know a lot of people on Valentine’s Day don’t have someone to make them feel special.

“I feel so happy to see other people’s happy faces every year when I hand them a rose.

“Most people are quite shocked at first but are then really kind and are overwhelmed by it.

“We had a few happy tears on Tuesday as well.

“It is just nice to bring that little bit of happiness and kindness to the world that we live in at the moment.”

Since starting this around seven years ago, Ruby has handed out close to 1,000 roses to the Leigh community.

Many of those who had received a rose also took to social media to share their delight. 

Ruby has also been hosting charity cake sales in Leigh recently, to help charities in the area, and has raised more than £1,000.

Her mum, Ruth, said she has a lovely heart.

She said: “I am very proud of her.

“To be honest I will always continue to support her doing this for as long as she wants too, it is something that comes round once a year, so I will always help her with this.

“She has such a lovely heart and just wants to be kind, and make people feel special.

“There is sometimes criticism of the younger generation, but this shows not everyone is the same.

“She just wants the world to be a kind place.”