MORE than 20 new CCTV cameras are set to be installed in Basildon town centre after a £50,000 investment.

Basildon Council, First Bus, Essex Police, and Roger Hirst, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, have each invested £12,500 in 24 new cameras across the town centre.

There are 12 through Basildon bus station, where there is currently no CCTV, and another 15 spread through the town centre.

Langdon Hills resident Danny Lovey, said: “It’s encouraging investment in the safety of the public and I hope they fit aesthetically with the town centre.

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“It will encourage people to come to the town and it will certainly help make people feel safer too.

"I think that’s the main benefit but it will also give police better infrastructure to police the town.

“I think people feeling safe is very important and I would like to see this extended to car parks to make people feel safer there too.”


The feeds will be viewed by the council’s CCTV team for live monitoring and retrospective viewing.

Leader of Basildon Council, Andrew Baggott, said: “With a growing night-time economy in the town centre, I’m delighted that we’ve been able to work with partner organisations to deliver such a brilliant project for our residents.

“Areas like Basildon Bus Station and up by the old Toys R’Us have not previously had CCTV, so this is a drastic improvement in the breadth of our CCTV coverage, that I hope makes residents feel safer when out and about.”

Mr Hirst, added: “I am really pleased to have been able to contribute funding to the new CCTV system in Basildon town centre.

"By working in partnership, we can make our town centres and communities places that everyone can feel safe in day and night. The new CCTV system will help do exactly that.”

Commercial director at First Essex, Garry Nicholass, said it is important for people to be able to walk around the town and bus station knowing CCTV is monitoring any anti-social behaviour which may occur.