A man who returned to the scene after murdering a father of two in Essex has been sentenced to life in prison.

Marek Hecko, 26 of Rookes Crescent, Chelmsford, was found guilty of murder at Chelmsford Crown Court on March 13.

He appeared today, where he was sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum of 26 years.

The murder investigation was launched by Essex and Kent Serious Crime Directorate on July 25 last year, after 44-year-old Adrian Ellingford was seriously assaulted at an address in Nelson Grove, Chelmsford.

Whilst officers were on scene guard at the address, a heavily intoxicated Marek Hecko approached carrying a bottle of brandy.

He started to tell officers that he knew what had happened and that he could help.

After becoming confrontational, he was arrested and whilst in custody, he was identified as the main suspect.

Following hundreds of lines of enquiry being pursued by specialist detectives, Hecko was charged within a few days with murder and remanded into custody.

During the trial, which started on February 13 at Chelmsford Crown Court, Hecko tried to claim that he turned up after seeing what had happened on the news, despite the news being nowhere online and on social media at this point.

The court heard how Adrian Ellingford was with a former partner of Hecko’s on the night of his death and that Hecko had exhibited stalking behaviours towards her.

Yesterday, a jury unanimously found him guilty of murder. He appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court today, where he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 26 years.

Detective Chief Inspector Louise Metcalfe said: “From the moment this was declared a murder investigation, our team worked tirelessly to gather CCTV, statements and compile the evidence needed to charge Hecko.

“Despite the huge amount of work going on behind the scenes, we made supporting Adrian’s family a priority, and our family liaison officers have done an incredible job from the start.

“This was a senseless attack on Adrian, which has left two children without a father.

“I hope that they can move forward and find some closure now that Hecko is behind bars.”

Yesterday, Adrian’s wife bravely read out her victim personal statement in court and described how Adrian was an “amazing husband, loving son, a caring brother, a friend to many and most importantly a truly brilliant father.”