AN author who overcame a drug addiction has spoken about his experiences in a visit to a Southend charity. 

Southend author Stephen Rosen knows more than most the challenges of breaking free and achieving sobriety.

He visited the charity Aspirations in Southchurch Road to meet staff and attendees of the day programme.

He spoke to them about his memoir Lost in the Babylon which was published on the 35th anniversary of Stephen’s sobriety.

His book tells the story of life in the East End of London, addiction and organised crime to becoming a businessman and his journey to recovery.

Stephen said: “It was great to get invited by Marie Edmonds, founder of Aspirations programme, to drop in on the day programme they operate for free. They empower individuals in their recovery journey from the harmful effects of active addiction and to assist in ongoing freedom from addiction.

“Aspiration’s work transforms the lives of attendees with inspirational results. They are an amazing bunch of people who prove that no matter what adversity one suffers in life, there is always hope and a way out.”

Lost in the Babylon by Steven Rosen is available in paperback and kindle on Amazon. 

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