Generations of Southend families have shared happy memories of their days at the now demolished Warrior Square swimming pool.

Warriors Swim Centre was closed in 2010 and bulldozed a year later after the £13.5million pool at Garon Park opened.

A building firm was keen to transform the site into new offices, shops and homes at the time, however it is now a car park.

Fond memories have been awakened on the Echo’s Facebook page by readers who spent their childhood days at the much-loved centre.

Michelle Swift Geggus said: "Spent many happy years swimming here with Southend Swimming Club, best memories made."

Amy Spiers recalled  "going to the pot noodle machine after a fun swim on a Saturday".

Brent Clarke also "loved getting kicked out every Saturday for jumping from the top".

Laura Dee added: "My parents used to leave me swimming there whilst they went shopping  Wouldn’t be allowed then (maybe it wasn’t then either). Lots of happy memories."

Louise Watling said: "We spent all our childhood there what a shame it’s not there any more."

Many of our readers have said the centre should have been kept open and upgraded instead, due to its convenient town centre location compared to Garons.


Emma Jane Chlopas said: "It would have been better to keep it and leave Garons for the gym members."

Katy Elizabeth Fox commented: "Wish they just updated it, I can't afford to bus to Garons when we want to swim and pay for swimming as well. I was a big swimmer until they shut."

Jennifer Wright added: "Bring back warrior swimming pool back. But updated because let's face it in the end it was a complete disaster. There is nowhere local to go now."

The council reported Warriors Swim Centre, which was built in the 1960s, had been costly to run and maintain over the years.

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As early as 1973, the pool was costing the council more to run each year than the famous pier.

David Garston, who was councillor responsible for culture at the time, said in 2008 when the Garons Park development was announced: "The Warrior Square pool is an albatross around our necks and the Garon Park development is the only realistic option for the future.

"The council could not afford to operate more than three swimming pools in the town, it would just not be viable at all."