A TV maths expert who was educated in Southend has backed a plan by the prime minister to extend the time young people study maths in school.

Rachel Riley, who is a former Southend High for Girls pupil, says she's "glad" conversation about maths is well underway.  Rishi Sunak is pushing to get more children study maths until they are 18. There is also set to be a review into how the subject is taught.

On Twitter, Rachel Riley said: "I’ve been an ambassador for National Numeracy since it started, here’s an extended shout out to them on the day the Prime Minister endorsed their messaging. Glad the conversation about maths and numeracy is well and truly started."


It comes after Mr Sunak has faced opposition to his plans with some claiming there must be more teachers to carry out the proposals.

An advisory group made up of mathematicians, education leaders and business representatives will be set up to assist the government.

Last year the Countdown star, hit back at claims that ‘girls don’t like hard maths’ and she insisted the claims are both wrong and damaging.

In April last year, she added on Twitter: "I was the only student in my all girls school doing further maths, then a new head of maths came in.

“In just a couple of years there were 30 girls taking it, and also helping to teach kids from surrounding schools online."

The Government's education secretary, Gillian Keegan, has said it's not currently known how many extra maths teachers the plans by the Prime Minister would be needed.

She's also said it would depend on the recommendation from a new expert advisory group that will help shape the content and decide if a new maths qualification was needed.

It is thought that Rishi Sunak will be using the statistics about how the UK is below average for numeracy among industrialised countries, with more than 8 million adults having maths skills below those expected in schools for a child of nine.