A MARKET is under threat and could be at risk of closure as cash to keep it running dries up.

Wickford Market may close by the end of May after the latest batch of Essex County Council funding, reportedly £100,000 to keep it open from December until May, is set to run out.

The market also faces issues securing an extension of a High Street traffic regulation order to close to traffic on Saturdays which has been in place since May 2021.

There have been 12 objections to the traffic commissioner over the closure, from businesses and bus operators, councillors fighting to save the market have said.

Malcolm Buckley, Conservative Essex County councillor for Wickford Crouch, said: “We have had a market for 100 years in Wickford, and most here would like to see it continue. It adds to the vitality of the town.

“But right now we are facing issues securing permanent closure of the High Street on Saturdays.

“Until the objections are either withdrawn or resolved, then the market’s future is open to challenge. It looks like the objection will have to be fought at a tribunal. If we can’t make the order permanent, then there is no future for the market.”

Wickford Independent group leader, councillor David Harrison, also fears the market could be “lost again”. 

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Mr Harrison added: “Having fought hard to get a market back in Wickford many people will be disappointed that funding looks likely to run out.

“There is a good chance it could be lost again.

“The market is a fundamental part of the town’s identity and must be protected at all costs.”

Both councillors admit the quality of the market has not matched previous standards set by the market.

“The problem is, with many traders knowing there is this May deadline looming where the rug can be pulled from under their feet, they are choosing to operate at other Saturday markets,” Mr Buckley said.

“We will continue to lobby for Essex County Council to support the market, but we need to secure this road closure before anything else can happen.”

Spokesmen for Basildon Council and ECC confirmed the authorities remain in discussions over the market’s future.