TWO violent thugs held a man hostage, repeatedly stabbing him and attempting to cut off his ear in a horrific attack inside a home.

Wayne Kavanagh, 31, of West Road, Shoebury, and Thomas Sitek, 27, of Elmsleigh Drive, Leigh, were sentenced at Southend Crown Court yesterday for their roles in the brutal attack in Canewdon.

The court heard how the pair tied up the victim for an hour after he was stabbed and beaten and attempted to cut off his ear.

The attackers recorded the incident and the footage was played during the sentencing hearing, alongside body-worn video from police arriving at the scene.

Prosecuting, Peter Walsh told the court: “Mr Kavanagh was staying with a woman in Canewdon, and she came home from work on January 21 to find him with two other men.

“It seemed they had been boxing, with equipment in the lounge.

Both has been drinking and taking cocaine.

“Kavanagh started to hit the victim and became out of control.

They keep attacking him and the woman runs away and is dragged back to the room.

“Kavanagh suggests they stabbed the man and comes back with a 12-inch knife and stabbed him repeatedly.

“They tell the woman she is involved and the two men tie up his hands and feet.”

Kavanagh and the victim passed out and the woman was able to call police.

The victim suffered a bleed on the brain, various wounds, and a permanent injury to his ear.

Mitigating for Kavanagh, Kevin Toomey, told the court he suffered greatly as a child and spent time in a secure hospital.

He said Kavanagh knows he can be “nasty” while taking drinks and drugs.

Speaking for Sitek, Christopher Martin, said: “He had ambitions to be a chef in the navy but that’s a dream that will never be realised.

“He’s had self-harm incidents and suicidal thoughts in the past too. He took a subordinate role in this incident.”

Both men admitted wounding with intent and false imprisonment. Kavanagh also admitted assault.

Kavanagh was sentenced to 14 years and eight months and Sitek was sentenced to ten years in prison.