Condom dispensers which were installed at a “dogging hotspot” to encourage people to have safer sex have been removed, it has been revealed.

Dogwalkers noticed the dispensers, which contained condoms and wipes, had been installed near the entrance gate of the nature reserve at Two Tree Island in July 2021.

This came as part of a new initiative by Brook, a sexual health service contracted by Southend council.

The service does not encourage public sex, but said at the time it recognised it happens and "will continue to do so whether or not condoms are available".

Therefore, the "birdboxes" were installed to encourage safe sex and Brook hoped they would reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.


A spokesman said at the time: "This is a tried and tested method which already takes place all over the country, and is a key tool in reducing onward transmission of sexually transmitted infections."

However, Southend Council has now confirmed no dispenser is currently installed, and no Brook Southend condoms or resources are left at the site.

This was after Essex Wildlife Trust objections.

A spokesman for the trust, which manages the nature reserve, told the Echo the installations saw many visitors "negatively impacted", and the trust wanted to discourage this behaviour.

A spokesman from Essex Wildlife Trust said: "This initiative was a council-funded project with Brook. Essex Wildlife Trust were not involved in its installation. The initial project in 2021 saw many visitors negatively impacted by its presence.

"Although the trust understands the rationale around the initiative, we actively want to discourage this behaviour and this is not in keeping with the trust's work to protect the site for wildlife and for the local community."