A 20-year-old woman died after suffering “extensive” hypoxic brain injuries following a stint in a mental health unit, an inquest was told.

Edwige Nsilu died after being taken off life support machines in Basildon Hospital on February 5, 2020.

An inquest into her death began yesterday, overseen by area coroner Sonia Hayes, and is set to last throughout this week at Essex Coroner’s Court.

The court heard how, on February 3, 2020, Edwige was found unresponsive with “bits of ligature material” on her neck in St Andrew’s Healthcare mental health unit, North Benfleet.

A statement by her mother, Joyce Nsilu, was read during the inquest.

It stated: “I took my children to school and came home to cook.

“At around 6pm I was feeling ill and my husband told me to rest.

“A while later we got a knock on the door from police who told us something had happened to Edwige, they took us to Basildon Hospital at speed with sirens on.

“When we arrived at the hospital, a man from St Andrew’s told us he was sorry and he was crying, a lady from the unit said Edwige was OK and the doctors were still working on her.”

Edwige was diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder and schizophrenia and was treated for her illnesses at St Andrew’s.

She also had a history of self harm and acts of violence.

When she was found unresponsive, St Andrew’s staff performed CPR for 45 minutes before paramedics arrived and she was admitted to Basildon Hospital.

Edwige was placed in a medically induced coma and underwent a CT scan which showed her severe brain injuries and after 24 hours she showed no neurological improvement.

Doctors recommended for Edwige’s family to take her off life support as her injuries would result in blindness and other issues if she woke up.

Edwige was taken off life support and died on February 5, 2020.

Stewart Eastbrook, detective inspector at Basildon CID, added: “When Edwige was found unresponsive, she was under 15-minute periodic observations at the unit.

“We concluded that there were no suspicious circumstances or third-party involvement in her death.”

The inquest continues.