A MOTHER has given a heartfelt tribute following the death of her daughter who struggled with mental health issues.

Edwige Nsilu, 20, died after being taken off life support machines in Basildon Hospital on February 5, 2020.

Edwige had been found unresponsive two days earlier, with ‘bits of ligature material’ on her neck, in St Andrew’s Healthcare mental health unit, north Benfleet, an inquest taking place this week has heard.

The inquest into her death opened at the coroner’s office in Seax House, Chelmsford, on Monday, overseen by area coroner Sonia Hayes.

Joyce Nsilu, Edwige’s mother, provided a statement which was read at the opening.

It read: “We loved Edwige very much, she had a deep love for every single person.

“Everyday we had with her felt like a dream because she was such a blessing to our family.

“Edwige never got to meet her nieces and nephews but we will always remind them about what a great person she was.”

Edwige was born in London and spent her early years living in London before coming under the care of social services in 2014 aged 15.

For the next five years, Edwige went from foster homes to mental healthcare units in Luton, Liverpool, Norwich and Colchester.

Her final place of residence was St Andrew’s in Benfleet.

While moving around, Edwige’s mental condition worsened as she was diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder and schizophrenia.

She also had a history of selfharm and acts of violence.

Joyce added: “Our family is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Edwige learnt our native tongue French Lingala growing up.

“During her time away from the family she forgot how to speak the language which meant she couldn’t communicate with her father anymore as he doesn’t speak English.

“This, along with the well-being of her sister Dorcas who has sickle cell, heightened her anxiety.”

On February 3,2020 Edwige was placed in a medically induced coma and underwent a CT scan which showed her severe brain injuries and after 24 hours she showed no neurological improvement.

Edwige was taken off life support and died on February 5, 2020.