AN OFF-DUTY police officer and his wife leapt into action to rescue an elderly couple whose bungalow had burst into flames after being hit by lightning. 

Police dog handler Dave Bridge, and his wife Samantha who works for the force’s Criminal Justice Unit, entered the burning building in the early hours of Sunday morning.

They braved thick smoke and a collapsing ceiling to get neighbours Barry and Margaret, and their six dogs and one cat, to safety.

The elderly couple, who live in York Avenue, Corringham, were woken by a massive bang and heard neighbours knocking on their door.

PC Bridge explained how he and his wife were woken by “an explosion” that “shook their nearby house”. 

He said: “We didn’t hesitate. I went straight in and Samantha was right behind me.

“It is just what you do, isn’t it? They are our neighbours.”

Firefighters were called to the fire and on arrival found smoke was billowing from the roof which was completely alight.

During the storms the roof had been struck by lightning, leaving their home severely damaged. 

Scott Saunders, 51, and wife, Andrea Saunders, 54, are also nearby neighbours to the elderly couple and have set up a GoFundMe to help support Barry and Margaret.

Mr Saunders said: “The couple are still in shock and are devastated. Their lives have been turned upside down.

“We were in bed when we heard the commotion. Lightning had struck the house which caused an explosion before the roof then caught fire.

“We are all just sick to our stomachs, but are grateful they were rescued safely. It could have been so much worse.

“But there is extensive fire damage at the bungalow, as well as water damage. We want to raise money to help them get back home as soon as possible. We all know insurance takes a long time, and sometimes doesn’t cover everything. So my wife and I wanted to try and raise something to just help them now.”

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