A SOUTHEND homelessness charity says it takes its responsibilities “very seriously” following claims it was not controlling anti-social behaviour at its day centre.

Harp helps those living rough in the area to overcome homelessness for good.

Its Bradbury day centre, in York Road, provides people living on the streets or at risk of homelessness with a comfortable and supportive environment with support including health, wellbeing and housing.

But a witness claims they have seen “fights involving Harp residents and visitors” late at night outside the centre.

Harp said it shares the frustrations of neighbours and investigates every incident which happens at the site.

The witness said: “At 8pm one night, there was a lot of shouting from the front of Harp.

“An hour later, it was clear that an argument was to escalate. At 9.30pm, a fight broke out involving Harp residents and visitors. At no point did I see an employee.

“This was almost a copy of what has happened before with fighting in the carriageway.”

In response to the claims, Harp chief executive Vanessa Hemmings said: “We will never pretend that our work is free of incident, but what we can promise is that we take our responsibilities as neighbours and members of the community very seriously.

“There are a number of properties within York Road that generate significant amounts of anti-social behaviour, which are not owned or operated by Harp.

“We share our neighbours’ frustrations, and frankly our work would be much easier if some of the other accommodation in the street was managed to the same high standards as ours.

“We have overnight security on site, and our staff are well trained to deal appropriately with incidents. Every incident that happens on a Harp property is fully investigated, and we have strict controls in place to ensure the health and safety of our clients, staff and volunteers.

“We would encourage the public to firstly contact the police to report anti-social incidents, and they are also welcome to call the Bradbury Centre direct on 01702 615 000 to talk to our team about anything that concerns them.”

For more information, visit harpsouthend.org.uk.