BOSSES of an iconic Westcliff pub have stepped down for good after ten years.

The Corallini family say so many laughs have been shared but it is time to hand back the keys to The Cricketers, in London Road, Westcliff.

The Cricketers is a traditional pub that had regular live music.  

In a post on Facebook, they said: “And from us… it is goodbye.

“Thank you to all our customers, new and old who have supported our 10-year journey in running The Cricketers.

“Every single pint poured has been an absolute pleasure, and we thank you for your support and custom.

“We have not only had the best live music scene in Southend; we have also overcome a worldwide Pandemic, in which not many businesses can say the same.

“So, we thank you for sticking by us and letting us see your faces down the end of our bar week in, week out.

“So many laughs have been shared behind our bar too, so to all our staff, thank you for working so hard and making the tough shifts more bearable.

“To all our suppliers, a massive thank you for working with us also for 10 years.

“In whatever journey we take next, you are more than welcome to keep updated through this page.

“Again, one last thank you. Best wishes, Carlo, Cassandra, Cristina, Giovanna.”

Back in March, when the news first circulated that the bosses may step down, the brewery behind The Cricketers insisted it will not close.

Gray and Sons said it had “no intention” of closing the pub and the hunt for a new landlord to takeover was underway.

The brewery, Gray and Sons, has since been contacted again by the Echo for an update on finding a new landlord, but they have failed to respond.