RISHI Sunak has presented a Southend volunteer with a prestigious award honouring her decades of service to the Jewish community.

Rita Roth OBE has received the Point of Light award from the Prime Minister at Jewish Care’s annual dinner for her “incredible” 60 years of dedication.

She volunteered at the Southend Jewish Care home across six decades,including being involved fundraising for Havens Hospice and the Jewish Care day centre.

Jewish Care provides health and social care support services for the Jewish community.

On receiving the award, Rita said: “I was so overwhelmed to receive the Point of Light award. It was a big surprise, and the Prime Minister was lovely.

“When I started volunteering as a teenager all those years ago, I never thought I would need Jewish Care, but I really don’t know what I would have done without them.

“They were there when my mother needed care and support. I get so much pleasure from volunteering and being with the residents.”

In December 2017, Rita held her first fundraising event for the charity’s London Rosetrees home, two weeks before her mum passed away after entering full-time care there 16 months prior.

Since then, her role as chairman of the Rosetrees fundraising committee had led to Rita doing dozens of special days and has managed to raise over £100,000 in the last few years, to enable the home to fulfil the managers’ wish list of extras for all the residents.

She added: “I have so much respect and love for the amazing staff at Rosetrees.”

Daniel Carmel-Brown, Jewish Care’s chief executive, said: “We are delighted that we were able to share this special moment with Rita at our annual dinner.

“Her dedication and commitment to Jewish Care, our staff and residents, is nothing short of outstanding, and we are so pleased that this award is a recognition of that.

“Mazel Tov, Rita, and thank you for all that you do for us!”