A PENSIONER was left fearing bailiffs would turn up at her door after a four month ordeal when a parking firm accused her of failing to pay a £1 charge.

Mary Campbell, 74, of Copperfields, Laindon, said she had “sleepless nights” after she was sent a parking fine for using the Westgate Shopping Park in Basildon.

A friend had stepped in to pay the £1 charge on February 9 after machines were unable to take coins.

But just days later Nexus, which operates the pay machines, sent Miss Campbell a £90 fine claiming no payment was made.

It transpired the payment had been attempted but the funds later returned to her friend’s account with no explanation.

An outraged Miss Campbell appealed the fine but the firm ruled against her and increased it to £160.

Miss Campbell was then sent a letter from bailiffs demanding payment.

But after the Echo stepped in and contacted Nexus, the fines have been overturned.

A spokesperson for Nexus said: “We can confirm that it was appealed on the grounds that a £1 card payment was made. However, upon investigation, we found no evidence of a payment being made for this vehicle registration or anything similar.

“We requested evidence of the payment. However, nothing was provided. The appeal was therefore rejected on 1st April 2023 and referred to our collection agent.

“Subsequently, we have now received follow up emails in which the motorist stated that her passenger who made the payment had checked with his bank, and the £1 payment was taken, but was subsequently credited back to his account, and hence no payment was made.

“Given that we now understand that a legitimate attempt was made to pay for the parking, we have cancelled the associated PCN with immediate effect.”

Miss Campbell claims residents have complained about issues at the car park.

But Nexus said: “Our investigation into this matter also confirmed that there were no issues at this location and that payments were being accepted on the date in question.”

Reacting to the news, Miss Campbell said: “This is fantastic to hear.

“I’m really pleased that Nexus have removed the fines and am incredibly thankful to the Echo for helping.

“As I was previously having sleepless nights and not feeling like my normal self, this news is really going to make me feel a lot better in myself knowing that it’s over me.”